4 Major Oceans of the World 

4 Major Oceans of the World

4 Major Oceans of the World. We classify ‘World Ocean’ into four parts i.e. Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Oceans, Indian Ocean and Arctic Ocean.

  1. Pacific Ocean:

This is the largest ocean of the world. Its average depth is 4280 meters (14040 feet) or 2,333 fathoms. Its total area is 165,250,000 square kilometers which is 1/3 part of total area of Earth. Pacific Ocean covers 46% part of world Oceans. This Ocean is touched by five continents. At equator its extent is more than 16000 kilometers. Maximum typhoons and active volcanoes are found in this ocean.

It has triangular shape and Bearing Strait is situated in its north. Asia and Australia form its one part and other part is formed by North America and South America. Antarctic Ocean is situates towards its south. Size of Pacific Ocean is decreasing by 2-3 cms every year on the other hand the size of Atlantic Ocean is increasing.


  1. Atlantic Ocean:

The shape of Atlantic Ocean resembles with English language Roman Script alphabet‘s’. It covers 22% part of the Earth and its average area is 82,400,000 square kilometers. Its average depth is 3,339 meters (10,955 feet) or 1826 fathoms than that which is less Pacific Ocean. Its deepest part is ‘Milwanke-deep’ (8380 meters) which is situated in the north of ‘Puerto Rico’.


Its breadth is 1530 nautical miles (between Brazil and Sierra Leone) and in south it is 3450 nautical miles or 6400 kilometers. The eastern side of this ocean is connected with North and South America and its eastern side is connected with Africa and Europe.

4 Major Oceans of the World


  1. Indian Ocean:

Although this ocean is smaller than Pacific and Atlantic Oceans yet it is more important for us. It is situated in the south of our country and its name is also based on older name of our country. The total area of this ocean is 73,425,500 square kilometers and its average depth is 3960 meters. It is almost triangular in shape and is surrounded by Iran, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, in north and north east, by Australia in the east, by Antarctica in the south and in west, by Africa.


Average width of its continental slope is 75 miles (120 km). It is 190 miles (1300 kms) wide near Mumbai, which is almost maximum. Tropic of cancer is the upper boundary of this Ocean and 90 percent part of this Ocean lies below the Equator i.e. in Southern hemisphere. Its bed is completely flat.


Red sea and Persian Gulf are situated in its North, Arabian Sea in North West, Andaman Sea and Bay of Bengal are situated in its North east. Trenches are very rare in this Ocean. Sunde trench is situated in the south of Java. Which is 8,152 meters deep? There are many under Water Mountains, situated on the bed of Indian Ocean.


Longest mountain (Submarine Ridge) extends from Cape Comorin to southwards (Towards Antarctica). It is quite wide but it is not very high. It is wider than mid Atlantic Ridge. Its elevated (higher) parts are present in the form of islands e.g. Changes Mountain in its north, St. Paul Ridge and New Amsterdam ‘Medagaskar’ and ‘Sri Lanka’ are the largest islands of Indian Ocean.


  1. Arctic Ocean:

Its size and depth is less as compared to other oceans. Actually it is circular and surrounds the North Pole. Its average size is 14,056,000 Sq. Kms. and its Coast line is 45390 kilometers. The Arctic Ocean is surrounded by Eurasia, North America, Greenland and various islands.


Various islands are found in this ocean namely, New Siberian Islands near Canada, Navaea and Jalmaya are major islands while. Barents Sea, Beaufort Sea, Chukchi Sea, East Siberia Sea, Green Land Sea, Kara Sea, White Sea, Hudson Bay and Baffin Bay are also found in this ocean.


It is connected with Pacific Ocean by Baring Straight and connected with Atlantic Ocean with the help of Greenland Sea and Labrador Sea. Its long submarine Ridge is known as Lomnosone Ridge.


The layer of ice of this Ocean is melting continuously slow pace and there is a possibility that major changes to occur by 2040.

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