Benefits of Street Art in the City of Philadelphia

Benefits of Street Art in the City of Philadelphia

Research Question

In which ways does street art contribute to the positive development of urban peripheries in the City of Philadelphia?


To comprehend the advantages of street art and the laws governing it in Philadelphia’s peripheral neighborhoods.

Research method

The research will make use of the archival study, or secondary data analysis, methodology. This qualitative approach will examine and evaluate prior studies on the positives of street art and Philadelphia’s policy for the neighborhoods on the outskirts.

Literature Review

The assertion that Philadelphia has the most significant portfolio of street art like any American city is made at the beginning of the policy document on the donation/gifting, placement, and removal of public art by the City of Philadelphia, released on November 6, 2018.[1] Mural Arts in Philadelphia works to produce art that transforms urban realms and personal lives through initiatives that support restorative justice, foster social reconciliation, and educate youngsters through the arts. There is no Ministry of Culture or patronage in the US arts system. Instead, around 7% of the country’s funding in non-profit cultural organizations is made up of government grants.[2] The NEA is America’s greatest arts financier, but the majority of direct public funding comes from different state, regional, federal and local organizations. The artistic policy is not determined by public money.[3] Rather, subject experts have a say in how the government funds the arts. Typically, merit is used to determine who receives these funds rather than policy objectives.[4] Direct grants assist fill gaps, advance art education, support artistic growth, exhibit and deliver artworks, and allow conservation, however, they do not support the majority of American artistic endeavors. Benefits of Street Art in the City of Philadelphia


Evidence of a region’s history can be found in street art that is either criminalized, banned, or allowed.[5] Since street art is not threatening, this is a complicated subject. It promotes aesthetics, and self-expression, and establishes a feeling of identity. The issues at hand go deeper than just the painting on the walls. Therefore, it is crucial to comprehend the positive role that street art has had in the growth of the urban outskirts of Philadelphia. Benefits of Street Art in the City of Philadelphia



Beete, Paulette. “ Mural Arts Philadelphia: Empowering Communities through Arts. (2018).

Rose, K., M. Daniel, and J. Liu. “Creating change through arts, culture, and equitable development: a policy and practice primer. PolicyLink.”

Unit, Counsel Fee, Police Advisory, Town Watch, and Culture Arts. “City of Philadelphia Organization Chart (All Funds) by Program Fiscal 2022 Operating Budget.” Policy 3, no. 4: 12.

[1] Rose, K., M. Daniel, and J. Liu. “Creating change through arts, culture, and equitable development: a policy and practice primer. PolicyLink.

[2] Unit, Counsel Fee, Police Advisory, Town Watch, and Culture Arts. “City of Philadelphia Organization Chart (All Funds) by Program Fiscal 2022 Operating Budget.” Policy 3, no. 4: 12.

[3] Beete, Paulette. “ Mural Arts Philadelphia: Empowering Communities through Arts. (2018).

[4] Ibid

[5] Ibid

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