Cultural Analysis

What is the meaning of Childish Gambino’s song, “This is America,” and music video for the song?
Is the Purge movie series cathartic or does it constitute entertainment violence as Sissela Bok defines the concepts?
Is the R-rating given to Eight Grade (2018) by the MPAA justifiable?
What vision of a meaningful life does Slipknot’s Vol. 3: The Subliminal Verses convey to listeners and how does it relate to existentialism?
How does Twenty One Pilot’s “Stressed Out” question conventional notions of human happiness, and how does it relate to the ideas of Epicurus (or Seneca, etc.)?
How does Edge of Tomorrow (Live. Die. Repeat) (2014) relate to the idea that human beings have a fixed destiny and Sartre’s contention that human beings are condemned to freedom?
Why do I agree/disagree with the vision of a meaningful life projected by the film Seeking a Friend for the End of the World?
What do popular Halloween costumes teach us about dominant American culture? What does it say about our values, fears, conceptions of gender, the good life, fun?
In what way might it be argued that the virtual reality realm of Ready Player One (2018) represents an exemplification of the Nozick’s “experience machine”? Do the protagonist’s actions support Nozick’s claim that the pleasure the “experience machine” gives us is insufficient for a truly good or meaningful life?

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