Excel two parts

1. How you present data can often be a game-changer in the business world. Reflect on how you might use the
charts, tables, or graphics that we covered in this unit, and explain which two features you think are the most
beneficial for presenting data. Explain how these might aid in your success.
Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary.
2. Before starting this class, many of you probably thought that Excel was simply a spreadsheet program used
by accountants. In reality, Excel has functions that we can use in our daily lives. For this assignment, draft a
two-page essay in which you describe how Excel can be used in each of the following areas of daily life:
home (e.g., saving money, budgeting, tracking expenses, keeping up with maintenance or projects);
work (e.g., creating graphs or charts for presentations); and
school (e.g., tracking classes, time management

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