Helping Teachers Become Leaders

Helping Teachers Become Leaders


Patricia H. Phelps, EdD, is a professor in the Department of Teaching, Learning, and Technology at the University of Central Arkansas, Conway.

Copyright © 2008 Heldref Publications


Abstract: For school improvement, more teachers need to function as leaders. Understanding the various dimensions of teacher leadership is requisite knowledge for encouraging the development of more teachers as leaders. Teacher leaders can fulfill multiple roles as they encounter obstacles in schools. The author addresses the challenge of supporting teachers in leadership roles, presents a model, and recommends ways for administrators and teacher educators to shape teacher leaders.

Keywords: collaboration, first-year teachers, leadership, school improvement




From this vision one can derive questions that challenge practices and promote growth: How can we best solve this dilemma? What is the smart thing to do? Does this decision or action enhance a more thoughtful community? Formulating one’s vision in writing makes its achievement more likely. This is the initial step toward becoming a leader. Achieving one’s vision takes additional work.

Valuing the Roles Before a teacher can implement his or her vision, he

or she must see the value of being a leader. Why should teachers want to be leaders when many forces already pull on their energies? The chance to make a difference is a major reason an individual chooses to become a teacher (Sadker and Sadker 2005). Teachers who lead extend their influence beyond their individual class- rooms. Danielson (2006) sees this desire to expand influence as paramount to teacher leadership. Teacher leaders can change schools for the better. A willingness to assume a greater degree of responsibility allows a teacher leader to function as a school’s conscience (Ackerman and Mackenzie 2006). Fulfilling this moral purpose, in turn, raises teachers’ levels of contribution and multiplies their possible impact (Fullan 1993). When teachers recognize that leading increases their overall difference-making ability, they will be more inclined to seize the chance to serve in this capacity.

Once motivated to extend one’s influence beyond the classroom, a teacher needs to know about possible outlets for impact. Even if willing to lead, a teacher may not see or seize the opportunity. Many teachers perceive that leadership responsibility rests solely with administrators. To change this view, principals should invite teachers to lead by making them aware of where the greatest needs exist. For example, principals and other administrators should state explicitly, “We need someone to help . . .” (for example, organize an open house, compile a summer reading list, examine homework policies, etc.). Such appeals for assistance allow teacher leaders to emerge and to mesh individual vision statements with school goals. Teachers can become involved in school leadership by chairing a committee, leading a faculty study group or professional development activity, serving as a mentor teacher, demonstrating instructional or technological skills, writing a grant, and in numerous other ways.

Danielson (2006) provides a helpful framework for understanding teacher leadership, which presents three areas of teacher leaders’ influence: (a) “schoolwide policies and programs,” (b) “teaching and learning,” and (c) “communications and community relations” (25). For example, a teacher might recommend a new way to handle hall duty, demonstrate a strategy for assisting students with vocabulary acquisition, or share with other school personnel new ideas to connect with

parents more effectively. Recognizing these three possibilities will broaden teachers’ views of various impact targets outside the classroom. In case discussions, pre- service teachers identify solutions that fit one or more of Danielson’s areas of influence; in faculty meetings practicing teachers can be asked to make recommendations and share ideas within the same three areas. By making clear the unique challenges that a school faces, the principal opens opportunities for leadership.

There are multiple roles that teacher leaders can fulfill. Lieberman and Miller (2004) emphasize three roles: advocates, innovators, and stewards. Advocates speak up for what is best for student learning. They exhibit a keen ability to frame and reframe issues so that students and learning remain the central focus. Advocacy can take place in one-on-one encounters as well as in whole-group settings. Innovators act as change agents to transform schools. Unafraid to try something new, they make suggestions and implement new practices. Innovators are creative doers, not just thinkers. Stewards are those who positively shape the teaching profession itself. Staunch supporters and models of professional growth, stewards help raise the status of teaching. Stewards are not as vocal as advocates and innovators, but they consistently serve as models of continued improvement. An example of each role in action will provide additional insight.

Joe challenges his colleagues and the administration to pursue authentic learning in the midst of standardized testing. He believes that teachers can be account- able without being so tightly bound to the textbook and tests. In faculty meetings, Joe asks hard questions and focuses on improved teaching and learning. His manner is not confrontational; as an advocate, he practices in his classroom what he preaches in his elementary school. Schools need more teachers like Joe. Rather than be intimidated, administrators should seek out and develop these teacher advocates.

Mark is a teacher leader in his middle school. As an English teacher, he recognizes the need to promote literacy outside the classroom and motivate reluctant readers. Working collaboratively with a university- based teacher educator, Mark organized a book club for students before school and used preservice teachers as small-group facilitators. Mark is an innovator who inspires other teachers. Students are the main benefactors of teachers like Mark. Principals can reward these teachers with minigrant funds and peer recognition.

Mary is interested in the writing of a controversial educator whose ideas are intellectually stimulating. Because she wants other teachers to think about the implications of this educator’s thoughts and desires to elevate the scholarly nature of teaching, she volunteered to lead a discussion of his most recent book. In addition, Mary wrote a grant to purchase copies of the book for teachers in the high school in which she

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serves as a steward leader. Administrators and teacher educators should support teachers like Mary.

These three teachers illustrate different leadership roles. Present and future teachers should note how each type could affect school improvement. Grounded in reflection, the actions of each teacher will bring about positive change. Administrators should con- sider how to create a climate that encourages teacher leadership. Seeking teachers’ ideas and involvement stimulates leadership. Although teachers who lead can traverse a range of pathways as change agents, schools need all three types of teacher leaders.

Using the Model Helping teachers become leaders involves the cultivation of certain knowledge, skills, and dispositions (see table 1). Planners of professional education at the preservice level and professional development at the in-service level can use this model to organize courses, activities, meetings, and workshop sessions. The knowledge base of teacher leadership consists primarily of the concepts of educational change and school culture (Barth 2001; Danielson 2006; Fullan 2001). Although teachers constantly experience change and interact in the existing school culture, they may have few opportunities to learn about the change process itself and discuss implications for their daily work. Changing the existing school culture is often considered taboo by those closely involved with it; school culture is often seen as static (e.g., “That is how we do things here”). There may be a number of non discussable—important issues not talked about openly (Barth 2006). Critically examining the dimensions of a school’s culture (that is, values, beliefs, attitudes, and rituals) can lead to valuable insights (for example, “Why do we always do things that way? Is there a better approach?”). Additionally, becoming a teacher leader means being aware of reform recommendations (for example, Breaking Ranks II [National Association of Secondary School Principals 2004]) and understanding the notion of servant leadership (Gehrke and Romerdahl 1997). Professional conferences, workshops, and presentations can focus on these topics, and administrators can enlist teachers as presenters or facilitators.

Teachers can develop skills through opportunities to create vision statements, assume the role of another (that is, to practice empathy), or formulate important questions. Inviting educators to pose meaningful questions is a way for them to sharpen that skill. Their questions could then become organizing springboards for faculty meetings and professional development activities. In addition, teachers learn collaboration skills by working together in teams. To shape more teachers into leaders, educators must recognize and appreciate those who model leadership. For example, when a teacher demonstrates advocacy, others (not just the principal) should highlight this behavior in a positive manner. Taking initiative is another valuable skill for teachers to possess (Danielson 2006). At the preservice and in-service level, teachers who show initiative should receive appreciation and reinforcement. Furthermore, structured opportunities for professional inquiry enhance the development of teacher leader- ship. As Danielson noted, “Possibly the most important aspect of a school’s culture from the point of view of encouraging teacher leadership is the culture of professional inquiry” (54). To foster a culture of inquiry, principals can set up teacher-led study groups on issues of specific concern (for example, ability grouping, alternative assessment, or curriculum integration). When teachers feel it is safe to share ideas, raise questions, and seek answers, their leadership skills improve and their schools become better places.

The further development of vital dispositions requires their strengthening when they are evident. For example, risk taking is a fundamental disposition for teacher leadership (Barth 2001; Danielson 2006). Teachers who take risks should be acknowledged and other teachers should be encouraged to act similarly. One way to increase risk-taking behaviors among teachers is to design faculty meetings or supervisory conferences with participants sharing responses to a statement like the following: “One thing I tried recently in my class- room to promote student learning was . . .” As teachers share their experiences and find that it is acceptable to experiment and to make mistakes, the tendency to take instructional risks will increase. Trying different methods is the mark of a school that is improving. To be teacher leaders, Barth (2001) suggests posing this penetrating question: “How much are you prepared to risk of what is familiar, comfortable, safe, and perhaps working well for you, in the name of better education for others?” (186). Confronting this question may motivate teachers to become more effective supporters of improved student learning and consequently agents of change. To prompt teachers to focus on seeing the bigger picture, similar questions could be posted in the faculty lounge or sent as e-mail reminders by the principal.

Resiliency is another key disposition relative to teacher leadership; those who are teacher leaders will enhance their schools’ resiliency (Patterson and Pat terson 2004). And the more teachers aim to create a resilient school culture, the more improvement will flourish. For instance, Pam is not defeated by the challenges her school faces. She shows resiliency by seeking positive solutions to low test scores or parent complaints. She nurtures other teachers’ growth by listening and exchanging ideas. Underlying effective teacher leadership is this tendency to exhibit resiliency. Closely related to resiliency is efficacy or taking respon- sibility for student learning. Teachers who lack a sense of efficacy will not function as leaders. According to Danielson (2006), being deeply committed to student learning is the primary focus of teachers who lead. Teacher educators and school administrators should expect teachers to reflect a high degree of efficacy in their words and actions. This professional orientation makes a significant difference in student learning.

Facing Obstacles Becoming a teacher leader is not without obstacles.

Teachers must understand the existence of possible barriers and work to overcome them. The constraints of limited time and heavy responsibilities are obvious impediments to leadership. Having a clearly defined vision is a way to operate within these constraints. Because having a vision makes it easier to focus on what is most important, distractions are less potent. There are also self-imposed constraints to leadership, mainly a lack of self-confidence. A supportive environment can help to build teachers’ confidence. Principals who view teachers as valuable resources and listen to their solutions extend the school’s capacity for improvement.

Barth (2001) suggests that colleagues can often be the greatest obstacles to change. They can oppose new ideas, hamper enthusiasm, block discussions, and dis- courage problem solving. In schools in which teachers are leaders, collegiality flourishes (Barth 2006). A collegial culture is characterized by open communication, support among colleagues, celebration of successes,

and talk about teaching. Increased collegiality is a primary benefit of teacher leadership.

Improved collegial relationships may result from understanding the Jack and Jill phenomenon in schools in which Jill is a superhub (or the go-to person) and Jack is a negative, toxic hub (Reeves 2006). Both teacher types powerfully influence school improvement efforts. Open discussions about this challenging reality can lead to a deeper comprehension of how school culture impacts change. Teacher educators can help preservice teachers seek out the positive forces in a school and avoid the negative ones, as well as inspire the desire to become more like Jill. Likewise, principals and teacher leaders can offer more frequent interaction opportunities with Jill than with Jack and can seek out occasions to enlist Jack’s input and support. The importance of cultivating leadership among teachers should not be underestimated as a powerful way to improve schools (Danielson 2006). True colleagues are committed to communicating, compromising, and seeking alternative solutions.

Those teachers who do not become leaders are typically satisfied with the status quo, easily discouraged, sometimes cynical, perhaps burned out, and may engage minimally in professional development activities. Basically, they lack the necessary knowledge, skills, and dispositions that compose teacher leadership. All teachers possess the potential to become leaders and, with guidance, patience, and a little nudging by another caring leader, may do so (Ackerman and Mackenzie 2006). Applying the model presented here moves us closer to having more leadership among teachers. Our students and our schools deserve nothing less.


Ackerman, R., and S. Mackenzie. 2006. Uncovering teacher leader- ship. Educational Leadership 63 (8): 66–70.

Barth, R. 2001. Learning by heart. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. ———. 2006. Improving relationships within the schoolhouse. Educational Leadership 63 (6): 8–13. Danielson, C. 2006. Teacher leadership that strengthens professional

practice. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curricu- lum Development.

Fullan, M. 1993. Why teachers must become change agents. Educa- tional Leadership 50 (6): 12–17.

———. 2001. Leading in a culture of change. San Francisco: Jossey- Bass.

Gehrke, N., and N. Romerdahl. 1997. Teacher leaders: Making a differ- ence in schools. West Lafayette, IN: Kappa Delta Pi.

Lieberman, A., and L. Miller. 2004. Teacher leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

National Association of Secondary School Principals. 2004. Break- ing ranks II: Strategies for leading high school reform. Reston, VA: National Association of Secondary School Principals.

Patterson, J., and J. Patterson. 2004. Sharing the lead. Educational Leadership 61 (7): 74–78.

Phelps, P. 1994. Teachers as leaders. Centering Teacher Education 9 (1): 20–21.

Reeves, D. 2006. Of hubs, bridges, and networks. Educational Leader- ship 63 (8): 32–37.

Sadker, M., and D. Sadker. 2005. Teachers, schools, and society. New York: McGraw-Hill.

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