Interpersonal communication in The Break-Up Movie

Question 1
In the film, The Break-Up, the aspect of criticism and contempt in interpersonal communication is displayed largely. This is evidently displayed by the strained relationship between the character Brooke and Gary. At some point in the comedy film, Brooke asks Gary for help washing the dishes but eventually, this sparks out a quarrel resulting in things escalating to a real conflict between the two. The insults that erupted between them over a trivial matter such as lemons shows how criticism in communication results to quarrel and breakups of relationships. Instead of Gary as the man handling the situation of bringing less lemons diplomatically, he criticizes Brookes cooking by saying, ”the chicken burnt my mouth because lots of lemons were put on top of it.” This is a sign of disrespect and contempt by Gary towards Brooke. Additionally, he dismisses Brooke in a despising manner when she asked to be helped in setting a table. Gary breaks the communication with contempt telling her she has done the table several times thus, does not need his help anyway. In a contemptuous way, he even tells her by him assisting in setting the table is like asking the artwork artist Michelangelo to assist in painting the Chapel Sistine. Both the characters are having superiority complexes and egoism which brings elements of despising each other. What they do not understand is, communication entails listening to each other views in an accommodative manner for their relationship to last. The high level of disregard of another person feelings is expressed exclusively in the film. Gary is not caring of Brooke feelings of wanting his help in doing kitchen works. He uses rhetorical responses like why should I do? This directly shows contempt and not caring attitude on the part of Gary.
Question two
The Dialectics theory is based on the fact that relationships are not fully stable because things change constantly and require people involved in those relationships to adopt ways of handling matters to sustain the relationship. Tensions always do arise in a relationship but this does not mean there are no remedies to address the burning issues. Maturity, understanding and being accommodative are one of the several ways of managing quarrels in relationships. The theory emphasizes the importance of communicating with the other partner (s) in a personalized manner by taking into account the feelings and emotions of each other. The theory is applicable in the movie, Break Up as Brooke and Gary do not understand their relationship is on the brink of collapsing thus, requiring specific ways of handling their differences. Instead of accepting their wrongdoings and mistakes, they are busy defending each other ways of viewing issues which led to divided minds at the end. The constant criticism they leveled against each other further fueled the tension. At one point, Brooke tells Gray his dress code portrayed him like a dog. By comparing Gary to a dog is demeaning his presence which as his girlfriend she should have politely shown Gary the best way of dressing which suits her choice. This results in defense from Gary who refers to Brooke as a nagging person. The use of abusive tone of referring each other as you instead of I is a pointing factor of lack of maturity in both of them as the theory of dialect suggests better ways of handling situations as relationship can never be stable unless the people engage in meaningful discussion of resolving issues.
Question 3
There are several benefits the film is portraying especially in handling interpersonal communication in relationships. People can learn the importance of resolving conflicts instead of keeping them escalating as they may result in complete breaking up as displayed by Brooke and Gary who at the end decides to separate due to not finding solutions to their lack of communication. People can learn from the movie, despite strong love existing in a relationship, lack of communication destroys the relationship completely. In addition, those people who watch the movie can grasp the concept of putting the interest of their partner first as this assist in solving a difference in the relationship quickly. Lastly, people should learn the art of accepting mistakes and finding solutions instead of throwing insults against each other. After viewing the movie, one might misinterpret the fact that staying in a heated conflict is the only main contributor to straining the relationship. One might conclude, walking away and keeping quiet is the best form of solving a conflict which might not be true. One would have advocated for either Gary or Brooke to have kept quiet or moved out of the flat in order for the conflict to end. This is misleading because walking away might turn to be the worst mistake rather if possible, people should solve their problems in appropriate communicative manner. Conclusively, people can learn from Break up film the importance of involving a professional counselor in case the communication relationship is not working. If maybe Brooke and Gary would have sought for counseling sessions, they would be assisted on how to handle their communication breakdown.
The Break-Up (2006)- Jennifer Aniston, Vince Vaughn Movie HD. (2006). Retrieved from
1. Define the issue: Child Abuse
2 .Discuss what may have sparked your interest in this issue and how you came to know about it.
3. Utilizing peer reviewed research literature, find at least two articles that address this issue from an evidence-based perspective.
4. Summarize the methods and findings of the evidence-based practice articles.
5. How do these articles contribute to the knowledge base regarding this issue, if at all?
6. How does this article influence your patience, if at all. If not, why not?

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