Perioperative nursing care

1. Describe the principles of perioperative nursing care
2. Explain the role of the nurse in the perioperative period with reference to the NMBA competencies standards.
3. Discuss Injury Control as it relates to pathophysiology and across the lifespan.
4. Explain how Arthritis and Musculoskeletal Conditions relate to pathophysiology and across the lifespan.
5. Describe knowledge of Cancer Control across the lifespan and related pathophysiology.
6. Discuss pharmacological concepts relevant to perioperative nursing.
7. Explain the safe and effective use of pharmacological agents in supporting people across the lifespan who are experiencing surgical interventions.
8. Discuss non-pharmacological comfort measures that may be used during the perioperative period.
9. Implement information literacy skills to access and evaluate data relevant to provision of effective nursing management of people across the lifespan who are receiving perioperative care.

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