The basic principle in a democracy is the sharing of governmental resources

Compare the disabled rights movement to the civil rights movement. Discuss the connection between the civil rights movement to secure the rights of African-Americans to the rights movement that fought for the rights of persons with disabilities.
Find an article relating to the struggle of persons with disabilities to achieve equal rights in any one of the areas mentioned above. (Please no articles on the ADA as we will focus on legal aspects later in the course). Summarize the article (your own words) and provide the link. Generate a question pertaining to its findings for your colleagues.
Roosevelt and his “Bill of Rights”:
The basic principle in a democracy is the sharing of governmental resources to meet the basic needs of all citizens. It must be understood that we are all in it together to satisfy that goal, i.e., it is a collective effort.
Why is it necessary of our citizens to fight for equality? Why must we fight to obtain support for persons in need? Why must be fight for universal health care?

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